Behind the wheel
Drive anywhere
Do what you want
I don’t care
I’m in the hands of fate
I hand myself
Over on a plate
Oh little girl
There are times when I feel
I rather not be
The one behind the wheel
Pull my strings
Watch me move
I do anything
Sweet little girl
I prefer
You behind the wheel
And me the passenger
I’m yours to keep
Do what you want
I’m going cheap
> Behind the wheel
Depeche mode...perfeito...sem comentários
Curioso, Penumbra, tmb dediquei um post a estes senhores, mas antes do concerto, com o Precious ;) beijo
Gostaria de ter presenciado o concerto mas infelizmente não deu... :(
Olá afilhado! Vim só ver se tinhas regressado a este espaço!
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